(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

The lawn may be patchy, the plants may be dying, but at least something is enjoying the fruits of Flo's remodelling of the watering system; the broken pipe is a great spot to catch insects!

We’re taking part in Blogpaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.  Click on the link below to go to their site and join in.

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17 Responses to (Almost) Wordless Wednesday

  1. Tree frog! Tree frog! I love 🙂

  2. So cute! I love frogs! Flo remodeled the watering system?! I must have missed a post! 🙂

  3. Declan says:

    You are just indulging Mum’s frog fetish now! Deccy x

    • Flo says:

      Heheheh! I have got SO many green tree frog photos… I could post one every week! They are exceedingly photogenic. 🙂 I love that they’ve all got their own spots ’round the garden too; I get quite worried if one isn’t where he/she should be!

  4. Bongo says:

    This is a great shot. I’m glad somebody appreciates Flo’s landscaping efforts.

  5. Bassas Blog says:

    Wow! Tall person used to keep tree frogs as pets. He loves frogs! Great picture.

  6. Bassetmomma says:

    What a fantastic shot! How nice of Flo to create the eating spot for Mr. Froggy! LOL

  7. raisingdaisy says:

    What a cute little frog! 🙂

  8. Jodi Stone says:

    That’s a pretty cool looking frog! I don’t see a lot of frogs around me, even in the areas of the woods where the water is. I think there are too many predators. 😦

  9. I think that might be worth it, Flo!:)

  10. Petntek says:

    Does Flo ever chase the tree frogs? Or is she also friends with them? Maybe she did this for her friends! Good Flo!

    • Flo says:

      For the most part they come out at night, so she never really meets them. She’s never shown any interest that I’ve noticed. Fergus the cat used to be the tree frog botherer, which is why I used to try to make sure she was in before dark – that’s not an issue now because she’s indoors all the time.

  11. That’s a very cool shot. We have a lot of tree frogs around us but they usually stay up in the trees. 😉

    Sorry about your watering system.

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