Oh What a Week! Fingers Crossed for Fergus.

I know this is Flo’s ‘space’, but today I’m writing about Fergus, my lovely 7 year old cat.  She has the sweetest nature of any cat I’ve owned, except in the case of her relationship with George, towards whom she harbours nothing but ill will.  I have been running on adrenaline and iced coffee since Monday morning, so please forgive the standard of writing!

Obsession with orchids...

Tell me why I don’t like Mondays….
On Monday morning, as I reversed out of the driveway the unthinkable happened.  Fergus was tucked in behind the front wheel and I ran over her.  I cannot begin to tell you how awful that feeling is, the very second you become aware of what has happened.  I stopped the car immediately and looked to find her paw still trapped under the wheel, so had to move the car again so that she could free herself.  At that point she ran (possibly chased by Flo, who was excited by the commotion) to one of the chairs under the outdoor dining table, where I caught up with her.  She was sitting there with her front paws on the ground and her back paws on the chair, motionless.  Very carefully I picked her up and took her upstairs, got her basket out and gently put her inside.  Her breathing was already frantic and she didn’t appear to be moving her back end at all.  Sheer and utter horror.

Hiding behind a palm frond

I rushed her down to the v-e-t, which was opening just as I got there, and we were taken straight through.  The v-e-t immediately took her out to their treatement room out the back so that he could assess her, while I waited back in the waiting room.  A lovely lady came over and sat next to me and put her arm around me.  I don’t know who she was or anything else about her, except that she had an appointment for her dog and was first up that morning.  She had been in the same horrible situation just a few weeks ago.  I didn’t get a chance to thank her for her kindness.

There was little that the v-e-t could tell me at that point, but they had given Fergus some medication to stabilise her breathing, and from their initial examination she appeared to be able to take some weight on her back legs, but he really just wanted to give her a chance to settle down and stabilise before they tried to do anything else as they didn’t want to push her over the edge.

Later that morning they tried to take some x-rays but the whole process was too much for Fergus and she was getting stressed, so they stopped after only getting one (not very good) film.  He thought that her chest was okayish from that but really couldn’t say for sure and wanted to leave her a while longer.

I spoke to the v-e-t again that evening and he said that things were looking significantly better for her than they had that morning but that we were still firmly in the woods and we would have to wait and see whether she made it through the night.

I received a phone call first thing to say that Fergus had made it through the night and was comfortable.  Huge relief.  The plan was to try to get some more x-rays, which was duly accomplished.  These showed that her lungs had collapsed, which explained her laboured breathing, but her diaphragm was intact.  Mercifully her pelvis and spine were also fine.  The x-rays also showed that she still had food in her digestive system and a lot of gas backed up so the emphasis was to get that moving so as to relieve pressure on her chest cavity. When I went in to see her she managed to look up and open and close her mouth, but no sound came out.

Fergus snuggles into Flo

Wednesday (this morning)
I phoned the v-e-t first thing to find out whether she had made it through another night, a horrible call to have to make.  I had had an awful feeling last night and didn’t sleep well at all, fearing the worst.  The receptionist said that yes, she had made it through but that the v-e-t wanted to speak to me, however he was in a consultation at that time and would have to phone me back.  I was very worried.  When I spoke to him he just wanted to tell me how amazed he had been when he had checked her this morning.  She was standing up and arching her back at him – I don’t blame her, he’d given her an enima the day before.  He said it really was quite remarkable, she was like a different cat.  He asked me if I was sure that I had actually run over her.  Sadly, I am sure.  She has quite an abrasion on her back leg, but it isn’t broken, incredibly.  The latest x-rays show that she has a few fractured ribs but there isn’t an awful lot that we can do about them at the moment.  She still has food in her stomach which the v-e-t is doing everything he can to gently encourage it through to her instestinal tract.  We think that the tyre went right over her middle, just catching the bottom of her ribcage, so it’s highly likely that there is more damage in there that we can’t see and the approach really is to just take it easy and let her get stronger before we even consider any sort of invasive procedure.

I went in to see her and her newest x-rays this evening and it really is quite incredible.  She stood up for me and rubbed against my hand and the cage.  At one point she wanted to try and jump out of it…. noooooooooo!  She managed a couple of audible meows (with the emphasis firmly on ‘ow’) and a lot of pleased-to-see me purrs.  I am totally amazed by her ability to tolerate such trauma and so grateful that she is still with us.  I know that things can change in a heartbeat… it’s still early days, but we’re in for the long haul and she’s certainly proving to be a tough little cookie.

We will all be sleeping a little more soundly tonight.

... on seeing Flo for the first time... 'we are not amused'

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18 Responses to Oh What a Week! Fingers Crossed for Fergus.

  1. Declan says:

    Oh my goodness. We so feel for you, Fergus and the whole family. Cats are such amazing creatures (so Mum says; I’m not so sure…) they seem to be able to beat some incredible odds. In fact Fergus looks a lot like Mum’s old cat, Wamster who made it to 16. KC (my cat) & I will be keeping our paws crossed and sending very best good greyhound vibes to you. Deccy x

  2. Bongo says:

    I nearly cried when I read what happened. What an awful feeling. So glad Fergus is pulling through. Praying for a complete and quick recovery for Fergus.

  3. Oh dearest Flo’,
    What an ordeal! Both for you and for Fergus. I am so, so sorry that this has happened and can’t begin to imagine the shock and horror you must have felt in the past three days. Please know that my thoughts will be with Fergus, and with you, as you fight this battle together.
    In terms of your writing – it’s beautiful! They say that the best ‘writing’ comes from deep within the heart. We ‘hear’ you. Hang in there. Thank you for sharing your pain – many wouldn’t. And lots of love to you and your beautiful kitty.

    • Flo says:

      Thank you Maxmom! Unfortunately the news hasn’t been so positive from the vet today, but Fergus is up and walking and looking for attention so she’s quite well in herself. She does need surgery fairly urgently to relocate her intestines back into her abdomen, but she’s not fit for it at the moment so we’re going to try to wait until the weekend. 😦

  4. Patty says:

    We just read about you on Deccy blog’s. We are so happy to hear that Fergus is improving, but we just read that she needs to have surgery. We are keeping her and you in our thoughts.

  5. Coming over from Deccy’s blog. So sorry for what happened with Fergus. Paws crossed for a full recovery. Hugs.

  6. Declan says:

    Thanks for the comment. She’s so like Wamster, mum swears they must be related and if she’s anything like her she’ll hang in there! We’re all hoping for a positive outcome – even me, and I’m rubbish with cats! Deccy x

  7. genjiscorner says:

    Just read about you from Declan’s blog. Same thing recently happened to a friend. Sending best wishes from me and my crew.

  8. We have just seen your blog and we are so sad when we read this post. We are sending lots of love, well wishes and slobbers for you all ❤ Fergus is so beautiful ( well as kitties go!) and we really hope she gets better soon.
    We look forward to reading some better news soon. 🙂

    Sampson, Dante and Daisy Boo

  9. Flo says:

    Thank you all. Will update things over the next couple of days.


  10. Stella and Rory from Down Under says:

    Hi Everybuddy, We popped over from Declan’s blog. You poor thing Fergus. We send you puppy kisses and healing slobber. This reminded Mum of the same thing she did years ago and her poor kitty never made it to the Vet. As well as that time, also our sissy cat Penny was run over about 11 years ago (but not by mum this time thankgoodness), had her leg in plaster for three months, had her tail removed cause it broke too and is still running around today like the mad girl she is. Good luck Fergus with your recovery. You can do it sweetie. No worries (especially for you and your Mum and Dad), and love, Stella and Rory

  11. Jasmine says:

    I am so sorry about your sweet kitty! Having had a similar experience myself, I know you must be sick about the whole thing. I’m glad things are looking up and I will follow your progress. Best wishes and puppy love.

    ~Jasmine and Mommy Lisa

  12. Leslie says:

    Oh no, just read about your troubles on Declan’s blog. Your Fergus will be in our thoughts and prayers until we hear she is fine and back home with you. Having had some similar experiences in my life, I can imagine how you feel but please be gentle with yourself – accidents happen.

    I truly hope Fergus is home and in your arms again very soon.
    Warmest regards,

  13. The Thuglets says:

    We came over from Declan’s blog. We are sorry to hear what happened to your beautiful girl. We are sending lots of pawsative healing thoughts for her recovery.
    Big nose pokes
    The Thugletsx

  14. Stopping over from Declan’s blog. We are sending you drool and keeping our paws crossed for Fergus. We have lots of feral kitties and know that it gets cold I always hit or tap the car hood and doors before I get in to start it. Wakes them kitties up. Hang in there we are sure all the good vibes in blogville will get Fergus feeling herself again real soon.

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